
She Got Into A Fight With Her Wife For Replacing The Original Painting She Bought As An Anniversary Gift With A Painting Done By Her Sister-In-Law

Her wife’s sister is an artist who has painted pieces for their children’s rooms. This new painting was made for their 10-month-old son and was intended to go in his room. So when she saw that her wife had hung it up in place of their anniversary painting, she was very confused. 

“My wife claims that she ‘just wanted to remember her young years for a night’ and that she was planning on putting the drawing in our son’s room in the morning and our painting back up on the wall,” she explained.

She felt that, once again, her wife was prioritizing her family over their relationship and snapped. She yelled at her for taking the anniversary painting down and putting up one that wasn’t even meant to be there. 

“Out of all the possible places to hang this piece, she took down a special sentimental piece?” she asked.

Do you think her reaction to the painting was valid, or should she not have yelled at her wife?

You can read the original post on Reddit here. 

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