
She Got Into Trouble With Her Sister’s Boyfriend After Interrupting His Proposal During Her Grandparent’s Anniversary Dinner

Syda Productions - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever seen a marriage proposal happen at an inappropriate moment?

One woman recently got into trouble with her sister’s boyfriend after interrupting his attempted marriage proposal during her grandparent’s anniversary dinner. 

She’s 26-years-old and has a sister that’s two years older than her. Her sister has been dating her 39-year-old boyfriend for three years. 

Although their family doesn’t mind him, she’s not a fan of her sister’s boyfriend and mentioned that she’s always felt super awkward around him. Part of the reason she believes she doesn’t like him for her sister is because of his age. 

Recently, things got even more awkward between her and her sister’s boyfriend during what was supposed to be a lovely celebration for her grandparents. 

Her grandparents hosted a dinner party for their 54th wedding anniversary, and her entire family was there, including her sister and her boyfriend. 

At the dinner, her grandfather stood up and made a really sweet and heartfelt speech about her grandmother.

Once he was finished, her sister’s boyfriend inserted himself into the moment and stood up to talk about how much he loves her sister.

“He then got down on one knee and proposed to her,” she recalled.

Syda Productions – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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