
She Shared The Story Of Her Great-Great Aunt Polly’s Small Act Of Kindness That Went On To Have A Significant Impact On People, Even Generations Later

Polly was a wealthy woman. She owned and ran a pub, so she was one of the few people in her village who owned a working car.

Once she heard the news about the young boy, she immediately drove straight to the hospital to be there for the family in a time of distress.

Instead of intruding on the family or bombarding them with questions about what exactly happened, Polly sat in the car.

She waited for hours until the family was ready to leave the hospital. This way, they would have a familiar face to drive them home.

“Polly’s quiet, supportive act of love has not been forgotten for nearly ninety years, and it made me think how much impact we can have simply by showing up,” concluded Gwyneth.


How seemingly small acts can have a big impact #familyhistory #genealogytok #familytree #familyhistorian #ancestry #findmypast #genealogy

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