
She Stopped Making Handmade Gifts For Her Husband After She Realized They Pretty Much Always End Up In The Trash

Yakobchuk Olena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever made someone a handmade gift like a drawing or knitted them an accessory, and it eventually ended up in the trash? 

That happened to one woman who decided to stop making things to give to her husband once she realized they ended up in the garbage most of the time.

She’s a wife and mother who has always been passionate about crafting and making handmade items.

She does all sorts of things, from origami to pottery, and often ends up with items and objects she can gift to her friends and family.

“I like to give gifts of the stuff I’m making to my loved ones,” she said.

For instance, when two of her cousins were pregnant at the same time as her, she knitted them matching blankets for their babies. They were a big hit.

Her husband has always been very supportive of her passions. He encourages her to go to crafting classes and spends money to ensure she has the materials she needs. However, he’s never been into receiving her handmade gifts. 

The handmade gifts she gives him usually end up in the back of his closet and get thrown away after a deep spring cleaning.

She said he prefers receiving luxury items or day trips when it’s time for a present, so she’ll give him something like that instead. 

Yakobchuk Olena – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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