
She Stopped Showing Her Husband Ultrasound Photos Of Their Baby After Her Husband Said Their Baby Looked Ugly

GVS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

You know the famous phrase, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all?”

It would really come in handy for one woman’s husband, who recently upset her after seeing an ultrasound photo of their unborn son and calling him ugly. 

She is 26-years-old and expecting her first baby, a boy, with her husband, Bill. She described Bill as the kind of person who doesn’t have a filter and often says things without thinking.

“He thinks there might be something wrong with him because he doesn’t understand social cues and is pretty awkward, but won’t get it checked or anything,” she explained. 

Although she loves him, their personalities are total opposites, as she describes herself as someone who thinks very carefully before speaking. 

Bill’s lack of censorship deeply offended her the other day after her ultrasound appointment. 

It was her first time getting a 4D ultrasound, which meant she would get very detailed images and videos of her baby boy.

She admitted that, like with many ultrasound images, the baby looked a little funny on camera. She even compared him to a “crisp lasagna.” However, she said he still looked cute and was so excited to see his facial features in greater detail. 

When she returned from her appointment, she couldn’t wait to show Bill the ultrasound images on her phone. She thought it would be a beautiful bonding moment.

GVS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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