
She Told Off Her Sister For Trying To Rub Other People’s College Acceptances In Her Face

Monkey Business - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

After this 18-year-old woman decided that she wanted to go to college, she applied to various universities. While she did get into a few good institutions, though, she was not accepted to her top-choice schools.

So, since then, she revealed how everyone in her family had expressed mixed feelings. Some are disappointed, while others are just pitying her.

“It hurts me because I tried so hard, and also, it just feels bad,” she said.

On social media, all of her peers have been posting about their college acceptances, too. And while she’s happy for her classmates who got into their top choices, it doesn’t feel great to be constantly reminded.

That’s why her sister has been particularly annoying her. Apparently, her sister keeps randomly informing her whenever someone they know announces what school they got into.

Now, in the beginning, she tried to just feel happy for their peers– responding with statements like, “Omg!” or “Cool! That’s so good for them.”

Her sister has not gotten the hint, though, and continues to share where everyone else is going to college. So, each time, it makes her feel increasingly worse.

On top of that, it feels like her sister is just trying to rub other people’s college acceptance in her face– pointing out how they got into certain schools, and she didn’t.

“I mean, maybe that’s not her intention,” she admitted. “But it sure feels that way.”

Monkey Business – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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