
There Was Only One Woman Who Has Ever Received The Medal of Honor, And This Is Her Incredible Story

After her release and heroic work in the war, President Andrew Johnson awarded Mary the Medal of Honor. She was and is still the only woman to receive a Medal of Honor.

In 1916, the medal was taken away from her through government action, but President Jimmy Carter reinstated it in 1977.

Mary continued to advocate for women’s rights after the war. She was a supervisor at a female prison in Kentucky and was head of an orphanage in Tennessee. She continued fighting for dress reform.

She wrote articles about it for a women’s journal and was even arrested in New Orleans in 1870 for dressing like a man.

In 1912 and 1914, she helped fight for women’s voting rights when she testified in front of the U.S. House of Representatives.

She wrote and gave lectures on the issue before she passed away in 1919 at 86, just six months before the passing of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote.

Mary’s life serves as a great reminder to go against social norms when it comes to fighting for what is right.

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