
Your Guide To Selecting The Best Paint Color Using Color Swatches

Let the paint dry and test them against artwork and furniture. The fabric of your furniture, throw pillows, curtains, and area rugs contribute to the view as well.

Consider which color is in harmony with the decorative elements and accessories of your home.

Inquire About Sheens With a Paint Expert

Now that you have picked a final color, ask the paint experts at the store about recommendations for sheens. Sheen is a measure of how much light reflects off a painted surface.

It can impact how color appears and even add dimension to a room.

When determining the right sheen, you must take multiple factors into account. The type of wall surface plays a huge role in what sheen to choose.

Sheen ranges on a scale from flat to high gloss. Flat-sheen paint does not reflect light and allows the original color of the paint chip to come through.

On the other hand, high gloss offers a brighter shine; however, the reflective light can accentuate blemishes and imperfections on walls.

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