
He Asked His Girlfriend To Change Her Outfit And Dress Better For Their Date Night, But She Wound Up Canceling Their Dinner Altogether

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This guy from Dubai is currently in a relationship, and over the weekend, he decided to go out to dinner with his girlfriend.

He wound up suggesting that they visit a more fancy restaurant, too, and his girlfriend agreed to do that. So, he searched for a joint online and ultimately found an upscale Chinese restaurant.

Afterward, he showed his girlfriend the restaurant, and she claimed that the place was cool. That’s why they decided to spend the evening of their date night there.

But, once dinnertime rolled around, he realized that his girlfriend had just decided to wear some “worn down jeans” and a simple t-shirt.

He, on the other hand, was planning to wear a pair of chinos and a polo shirt. Apparently, the restaurant had a dress code known as “smart elegant,” which isn’t super dressy but not too casual, either.

So, he ended up asking his girlfriend why she had not put on a dress, given the restaurant’s dress code and the fact that his girlfriend usually prefers to wear dresses on nice outings.

But she just replied that she did not feel like wearing one that night.

“Uhh, okay, but I told you that it’s a fancy place,” he responded.

Still, at that point, his girlfriend claimed that they were going to “just a Chinese restaurant.”

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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