
He Upset His Mom After Telling Her That He Doesn’t Want To Have Big Family Mother’s Day Celebrations Every Year

During the hectic meal, his mom had already started hatching a plan for Mother’s Day next year. She suggested they have a big, combined Mother’s Day party with his wife’s family. However, his in-laws are much more laid back and don’t even insist on doing anything for Mother’s Day.

“I react to my mom’s suggestion by suggesting that maybe we don’t make Mother’s Day a big family get-together at all in future years,” he explained.

“I say that it’s kind of stressful for us trying to plan this get-together, considering that my wife and I have a lot going on in our lives.”

His mom was distraught by his suggestion and had a sour attitude for the rest of the evening. 

Now, he’s wondering if what he said was that bad. He believes that since he’s a grown adult with lots of responsibilities, he shouldn’t have to make as big of a fuss over Mother’s Day as his mom wants. 

Was he being unreasonable with his mom?

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