
Her Boyfriend Met A Girl On A Dating App That Wasn’t Into Him, Yet They Stayed Friends, And She’s Feeling Insecure About Their Friendship

Andrey Kiselev - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 27-year-old girl has a 31-year-old boyfriend that she has been with for the last 3 years. Now, back when they first started dating, she admits that she was extremely insecure and had a hard time trusting him.

One thing that really made it hard for her to trust her boyfriend came down to a girl he met on a dating app that he became super close to.

This pretty much resulted in her giving him an ultimatum; he could continue dating her, but only if he stopped stop talking to this female friend of his he met on a dating app.

Her boyfriend had this female friend before she came into the picture, but she was really bothered by their friendship.

“This was a girl that he would normally Facetime at 3 a.m., he would text her only when he was at work (to hide it from me since he knew I wasn’t ok with it), and she was a person that he would go to when he needed to talk to someone,” she explained.

Her boyfriend accepted her ultimatum and stopped being friends with this girl to make her happy and continue dating.

She then decided to go to therapy, which has helped her insecurities and issues. She does want to allow her boyfriend to “be himself,” and so she hasn’t tried to force him to do anything since that issue early on in their relationship about his friend.

She has spoken to her boyfriend recently about not wanting to control him so much, and he took that to mean that he’s allowed to go back to being friends with the girl she had a problem with.

“In my defense, the only reason they did not date is that SHE didn’t want to; and he was content with keeping her as a friend rather than losing her completely,” she said.

Andrey Kiselev – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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