
Her Dad’s No Longer Paying For Her Wedding Because She Won’t Sell Her Aunt And Uncle Her Home At The Price She Paid For It

She had a realtor come to appraise her house, and she was floored when the realtor told her that her house was actually worth $110,000.

She couldn’t help but be thrilled at the price, as she does have student debt she wants to pay off, and she will be helping her fiancé take care of his two children.

She then informed her aunt and uncle that her house was appraised at $110,000, so that’s what she wanted to get for it. As soon as she said that, her aunt and uncle were absolutely irate.

“I told them I would go down to 105k, but this was an investment,” she said. “30k is a huge difference.”

“Basically, my family is very angry at me. My father is no longer paying for the wedding, and I regularly get texts saying I’m greedy and basically out of the family. It’s gotten so ugly. ”

She’s left wondering if it’s wrong of her not to want to sell her house to her aunt and uncle for the exact price that she paid, as that’s what they expect.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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