
Her Dad’s Wife Decided To Tag Along On A Recent Visit But Kept Trying To Change All Of Their Plans, So She Told His Wife That “Plus Ones Don’t Get Accommodations”

That’s why, yesterday, Anna decided to text her directly and ask if they could take a day trip to a town located about an hour and 50 minutes away. Apparently, Anna had never been to the town but always wanted to visit.

Quite frankly, though, she does not want to take a 4-hour round trip drive to a town that she has visited countless times while carrying an infant in tow.

So, she told Anna that and also claimed that if she wanted to go so badly, then Anna could organize a separate visit on her own time.

But Anna didn’t like that response and rebutted that this visit was going to be her own time.

“To which I said she is welcome to hire a car and drive there at any time she wants, but I will not be going,” she recalled.

Still, Anna wouldn’t budge and accused her of being unfair for not accepting any of Anna’s requests.

And at that point, she was pretty irritated. So, she decided to tell Anna that “plus ones don’t get to make the schedule.”

She also pointed out that if Anna did not like the trip itinerary, then she did not need to go with her dad for the visit.

Now, her dad wound up hearing about what she said and completely blew up on her for speaking to Anna like that.

Her dad claimed that she should have just asked him to take care of it. But now, because she didn’t, her dad believes she upset Anna by insinuating that his wife wasn’t welcome on the trip.

Yet, in spite of her dad’s perspective, she really doesn’t think she insinuated his wife wasn’t welcome. Plus, she admitted to her dad that she wouldn’t be “fussed” if Anna went along on the trip or not.

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