
She Just Found Out Her Husband Booked A $10,000 Vacation Without Telling Her, And She’s Considering Canceling It

On top of that, her most hated travel destination is actually the beach– something about herself that her husband very well knew.

“This is a vacation he wants to take more than anything, not me,” she revealed.

And whenever she considers the amount of money they would be spending on such a short vacation, it just makes her nauseous.

What’s even worse is that the destination is a place she would have never wanted to go to.

That’s why, in her mind, the whole trip is simply a waste of money.

“And I keep thinking about how much better off we’d be putting that money anywhere else,” she added.

After she expressed her perspective to her husband, he did say that they could cancel the trip if she really wanted to. However, they would obviously lose the deposit– which is a large chunk of change by itself.

Throughout all of their conversations regarding the vacation, her husband has also been killing her with some “puppy dog eyes” and making it seem like she would be crushing his dreams if she decided to cancel it.

So, she has confided in some friends and family members about the situation. But they actually told her that she should just feel happy her husband planned the vacation.

Obviously, though, she is actually just disappointed and upset with her husband.

“He made a huge decision without consulting me or considering my preferences,” she vented. “I feel manipulated to say we’ll go. I feel like I’m in between a rock and a hard place.”

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