
After A First Date With A Girl, She Said She Was Feeling More Of A Friend Vibe With Him, But She Did Agree To A Second Date, So He’s Not Sure If He Should Try To Make A Move

meati - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man is in his 30s, and last night, he went out on a date with a girl who is around the same age as him.

He thought their date was good, and the conversation between them was lovely. He did his best to be slow on the date, so he did not try to put any moves on her.

“I asked her out again for next week, and she told me she felt it had more of a friendship vibe but that she was willing to give a second date a shot,” he explained.

“I told her that I’d like to give a second date a shot to see if a romantic spark happens.”

Well, hearing that from her definitely hurt his confidence a lot, and he isn’t sure that he will be able to be himself with her on the second date.

In fact, he’s kind of thinking he doesn’t want to go on the date at all after being friend-zoned, but he knows that if he stays home, he will have regrets.

Their first date did last 4 or 5 hours, and they sat next to one another and brushed shoulders quite a bit.

There was a bit of teasing on their date too, and he made sure to ask her a ton of questions about her, but now he regrets not paying her a compliment.

He has always been on the introverted side, but he’s really starting to come out of his shell, and he’s wondering if not trying to make a move was why this girl said she got a friend vibe from him.

meati – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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