
He Ended A First Date With A Girl After She Asked Him How He Felt About Her Armpit Hair And Then Basically Accused Him Of Being A Predator For His Response

NDABCREATIVITY - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This guy recently took a girl out on a first date, and things ended in disaster after she made a pretty bold and nasty accusation.

Their date actually started off completely alright, and they kicked things off with just chit-chatting about pretty “surface-level” topics.

But once all of those easy and friendly topics had been addressed, this girl that he asked out got right into some pretty strange questions that completely caught him off guard.

He wasn’t expecting any of those questions that she put forward in the next round, but one in particular really came out of left field.

“Among those questions was “How do you feel about me having armpit hair?” I was a bit weirded out by the randomness,” he explained.

“I informed her that I don’t mind stubble as long as it’s well kept, I mean, we’re human, we grow hair in places.”

“But she goes to tell me her’s is fully grown out, and it threw me off more. Then I told her it wasn’t necessarily a preference for me.”

Now, he never told this girl that it was wrong of her to want to not shave under her armpits. He really only told her that girls who don’t shave under their armpits aren’t really his preference.

So, although he tried not to be inflammatory in any way, this girl took his response and ran with it.

NDABCREATIVITY – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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