
He Lived With His Friend’s Family For Less Than A Month, And Now His Friend’s Wife Is Still Expecting Him To Help Fulfill A Parental Role To Their Young Daughter

Jacob Lund - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sometimes when you start doing favors for someone, they begin to take advantage of your kindness and expect you to do more and more for them. 

One man somehow has been expected to fulfill a parental role for his friend’s young daughter after living with their family for less than a month.

He’s 26 years old and recently made a big move to a foreign country. One of his friends knew someone who lived there with his family, so he put them in touch with each other.

He got to know the man and his family and was invited to stay at their house until he had found a place of his own. The man lives with his 40-year-old wife and 11-year-old daughter.

While staying with them, he would help pay for groceries and do chores around the house to be a respectful roommate. However, over his 20-day stay, the wife became very reliant on him, as her husband was often away for work and was only home for short amounts of time.

She suddenly started asking him to become more involved with her daughter’s daily life. She’d ask him to teach her English, help her learn to use the computer, etc. Despite his busy work schedule, the wife would also ask him to help her daughter with her homework and school projects.

When he finally found his own house, he figured the requests from this woman would stop. But, unfortunately, they did not.

“The wife keeps calling me for help with her daughter and sending the child to my house,” he explained.

Things got so bad that the wife would drop her daughter off at his house and have him watch her for multiple days, and he wouldn’t return to pick her up until late at night.

Jacob Lund – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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