When Dating Someone, It’s Not A Bad Idea To Check Out Their Social Media Accounts, Because There Could Be Some Red Flags You Might Want To Evaluate

ID 121632565 - © Vadymvdrobot - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 121632565 - © Vadymvdrobot - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

While our social media presence shouldn’t be that big of a deal, it is for many of us.

There’s no denying that social media plays a big part in how other people perceive us. When dating someone, it’s not a bad idea to check out your partner’s social media accounts because there could be some red flags that you might want to evaluate.

For instance, if you’ve been dating someone for a while, but their social media accounts have no trace of you on them whatsoever, that’s a little odd, right?

Let’s say you’ve been with a guy for a year. On Facebook, his relationship status is still listed as “single.” On his Instagram, he hasn’t posted a single photo of you, only posted pictures of himself, and hasn’t interacted with you in the comments or posted you on his story.

That’s definitely a little sketchy and could mean he still wants to look single online to keep his options open.

Another red flag is a pretty obvious one, but you might want to check in with your partner if they’re publicly liking inappropriate content on social media. For many of us, it feels disrespectful and could give whoever posted the photos the wrong idea.

Similar to the likes, if your partner is flirtatiously commenting on other people’s posts, that’s a major red flag. It’s almost the same as if they began flirting with someone out in public on the street.

Next, be cautious around someone whose social media posts don’t align with the stories they tell you. For instance, let’s say you’re talking to someone who said they had to cancel your date because they were busy working.

Then later, you see on social media that they’re at a bar with friends. If they’re that oblivious, they’re probably not worth your time.

ID 121632565 – © Vadymvdrobot – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This one can be hard to detect, but if you see your partner doing this, you should see it as a red flag. You should be careful around someone who is constantly stalking their ex on social media.

If they’re following their ex on social media, that isn’t necessarily a red flag, as some people have the capacity to maintain good, distant relationships with their exes after breaking up.

But, if you happen to glance over at your partner on their phone and notice they’re scrolling through their ex’s social media accounts on multiple occasions, there could be something else going on.

Finally, beware of someone who restricts your interaction with their social media accounts. These days, it’s much easier to hide our content from certain people subtly without obviously blocking them.

If you can’t see your partner’s stories or new posts all of a sudden but your other friends can, that’s a sign they don’t want you to see something on their profile or something they’ve been tagged in.

Listen up, people, we deserve to be with people who not only are okay with letting us interact with their social media but also want us on it! If they hardly use social media, that’s one thing, but it’s another to be an avid user and never involve your partner.

Hold out for someone who shows genuine appreciation for you!

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