She Took In Her Friend’s Cat For A Few Weeks, And It Peed All Over Her Bed, So She’s Considering Asking Her Friend To Replace The Mattress -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

This 20-year-old woman’s friend, Anna, has been searching for a new place to live. So, she agreed to take in Anna’s cat for a few weeks while her friend worked on apartment hunting.

Now, she and her partner already had three cats of their own to take care of.

“But Anna said this would only be for a few weeks while she saved up for an apartment to move out of her parent’s house,” she recalled.

That’s why they took in the cat, but off the bat, there were some issues. Anna revealed how the cat was not fixed, which was a big problem since one of her female cats was not fixed, either.

Still, she agreed to look after the feline, and she didn’t think it would be a problem. After all, she figured that she and her partner could just keep the two cats separated.

“We kept the cat in our downstairs bedroom with all the things it would need– food, water, toys, litterbox, etc.,” she explained.

“And I checked on the cat multiple times a day, pet him, and played with him.”

Yet, for some reason, the cat would not stop peeing in her downstairs bathroom.

To prevent this, she decided to start keeping the door to the bathroom closed. And for a while, she thought everything was fine. – illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

Well, that was until she and her partner realized the cat found a different location to pee– on the bed.

“I didn’t realize this at first because we don’t spend a lot of time down there,” she said.

“But one day, we realized all of the clothes and everything on the bed reeked like cat pee.”

At that point, she and her partner removed all of the bedding, and they made a shocking discovery. The entire mattress was just soaked with cat pee.

She let Anna know what happened afterward, and her friend promised to pick up the cat a few days later– which did happen.

However, while the cat is now gone, she’s been left with a soaked mattress that she doesn’t want anything to do with.

“There’s no cleaning it,” she vented.

That’s why she’s now wondering whether asking her friend to compensate her for a new mattress would be justified or not.

What would you do if you were in her shoes? Do you think her friend should be responsible for replacing the mattress or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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