Her Stepdad Made A Scene Over Her Picking Her Grandpa To Participate In Her Wedding

pressmaster - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
pressmaster - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

If you’re a bride-to-be and value certain roles within your wedding ceremony, like the people who will be your ring bearer, flower girl, give you away, etc., you should take those roles seriously and not let anyone try to persuade you to pick people you don’t want filling them.

One woman recently had to tell her stepdad he couldn’t fulfill the traditional father-of-the-bride roles at her upcoming wedding because she wants her paternal grandfather to take them on.

She’s 27 and will be getting married next year. Ever since she lost her biological father when she was six years old, she’s been very close with his dad, her paternal grandfather.

Therefore, when thinking about her upcoming wedding, she wants her grandfather to take on the father-of-the-bride roles, walking her down the aisle, having a dance with her, etc.

She does have a stepdad who’s been in her life since she was seven. He is like a father figure to her, as he’s helped raise her for two decades and is the dad of all her half-siblings. Originally, she thought it’d be a nice idea to let her grandfather and stepdad split the father-of-the-bride duties, but after giving it some thought, she realized she’d prefer if they all went to her grandfather.

Unfortunately, this did not go over well with her stepdad, as he’s struggled with her close relationship with her biological dad’s family. 

“My stepdad did not want to share the role, and he wanted to walk me down the aisle and make the father/daughter dance just us,” she said.

“He told me he was not okay with my grandpa doing alone or with him. He told me when it comes down to it, [he’s been] the ‘real dad’ in my life since I was seven years old, and while he might not be my [biological] dad, he has been married to my mom and taking care of me for 20 years.”

“He is also the father to all my siblings and [believes] his place in my life ‘should be honored and not shared with a grandparent’ just because I lost my dad.”

pressmaster – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

She decided to stay strong and stand her ground, but that got harder, as over time, her stepdad began to make a scene about this issue and started ranting about it to other relatives.

Her stepdad went as far as to bring the issue up at his mom’s birthday dinner, trying to get more people on his side and guilt-trip her.

In front of their family, she told her stepdad she already asked her grandfather to do everything and wouldn’t change her mind. Sure enough, relatives began weighing in on the issue, and a family debate ensued.

Later, her stepdad told her she humiliated him in front of their family, and she started getting mean messages from his relatives, telling her she was wrong for not letting him act as the father of the bride.

“For many years, my stepdad has been jealous [of my paternal family], and his family has commented that I shouldn’t need my grandfather because I have my stepdad,” she added.

“His family has expressed their dislike for me several times because I have the relationship with my grandfather that they feel I should have with their son. My stepdad expected an apology, and when he didn’t get one. He told me again that he didn’t like my behavior at the dinner.”

Should she let her stepdad take on a few traditions at her wedding to keep the peace within her family or stand her ground?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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