Her mother-in-law then said she wished she had texted her about not having enough food because she could’ve gone to the grocery after her appointment and gotten a “real dinner” for her grandson and future grandbaby.
That comment really bothered her, as the pasta was a “real” meal, and her son had plenty of protein-rich food earlier in the day.
“I told her maybe she’s uneducated with how much protein humans actually need and [that] there [was] nothing wrong with our dinner,” she recalled.
“She immediately got very upset that I called her uneducated when she’s ‘raised three boys‘ and she knows what growing boys need to eat.”
Then, her mother-in-law told her she should’ve been more prepared, which set her off. She snapped and yelled at her mother-in-law, telling her to get out of her home and that she needed to stop coming over if she would keep judging her mothering capabilities.
Her mother-in-law left with a huff and later called her husband to tell him she had a “hormone-induced rage.” Her mother-in-law hasn’t apologized, and her husband wants them to apologize to each other to keep the peace.
However, she believes she has nothing to apologize for, that her mother-in-law was the one in the wrong.
Should she apologize to her mother-in-law?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.