Still, her husband didn’t really accept her opinion and continued pestering her about it for three days. Then, just last night, she finally hit her breaking point and snapped at her husband.
She asked him why he even bothered consulting her about the idea if he wasn’t going to listen to her reasoning. And her husband replied by claiming he respected her opinion.
“I said it seemed excessive and that it wasn’t the best time,” she explained.
Nonetheless, her husband didn’t back down and asked if he could at least take one extra day off from work to play the video game.
Quite frankly, she was pretty fed up with her husband by then and ultimately told him to just do whatever he wanted.
This made him all angry and “huffy,” too, and ever since their argument, he hasn’t even been speaking to her.
So now, she’s been left wondering if telling her husband he can’t take three days off of work just to play a video game was so crazy or not.
Do you agree that taking three days off of work from a new job just to play a video game is irresponsible? How would you have handled this situation?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.