
A Couple Of Parents Who Come From Old Money Offered To Fund His Nephew’s Summer Camp, But He Said That He Wasn’t Their Charity Case

But then, a week after sending Jack to the camp, he received a call from the people who ran it. They told him that someone wanted to sponsor the rest of Jack’s sleepaway camp time, paying for the other four weeks.

“I was confused, as they said a ‘pair of angels’ heard of my hardships and wanted to help out,” he recalled.

“I said I wouldn’t even consider [accepting] unless they told me who was paying for it. Eventually, they said it was the parents of a boy who is an acquaintance of my son. They act like they’re better than everyone and come from old money.”

He was immediately disappointed to hear that these were the people who wanted to fund Jack’s camp experience, as he doesn’t believe they genuinely enjoy helping others and only do it for ego boosts. He recalls hearing these parents talk poorly of the people they give money to, and he didn’t want that happening to Jack and him.

So he decided to reach out to that couple and tell them that his finances were none of their business and that he wasn’t their charity case.

“I’m not here to make people feel better about themselves,” he added.

“They were taken aback by my response, and they asked me to think of Jack.”

He feels that without this couple’s help and the rest of the summer camp experience, Jack is still going to have a great summer full of play dates and trips with his cousins. Therefore, he doesn’t need to take this couple’s charity.

Do you think he should’ve just accepted the couple’s offer, or did he do the right thing by turning them down?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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