Days After She Got Engaged, Her Fiancé’s Ex-Wife Reached Out To Tell Her Why Their Marriage Really Ended, But She Doesn’t Know Who To Believe

A month ago, this 24-year-old girl got engaged to her 32-year-old fiancé after dating for nearly three years.
Her fiancé was married before her and then got divorced, and he’s been incredibly honest about his past.
He mentioned things with his ex-wife didn’t work out as they were high school sweethearts who tied the knot too young.
He and his ex realized their marriage wasn’t working, so they split up with no ill will. Her fiancé was married to his ex for four years but was divorced for more than that amount of time when he met her.
“I always accepted this as true because I had no reason to believe he was lying,” she explained.
“The divorce seemed amiable (I wasn’t there, but I know that they split everything pretty evenly and money is not a problem for either of them), and he and her even still talk occasionally.”
“The timeline all matched up. They wish each other Happy Birthdays and Merry Christmas. I never saw a problem with this. Everything seemed fine, just an unfortunate situation of bad timing or married too young.”
After her fiancé proposed to her last month, she excitedly shared some engagement photos on social media.
Her best friend took photos of the proposal, and then posted some photos as well. She was so thrilled to get a ring that day, and she’s still floating on cloud nine.

Vasil – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Two days later, she got a message request from her fiancé’s ex. Her social media accounts are all private, and her fiancé’s ex doesn’t follow her on anything.
She peeked at the message, which simply asked if they could chat. She accepted the message request and said yes to talking.
“She replied with a lengthy message about having seen my posts about getting engaged through his brother and that she just wanted to let me know because “she felt that it was the only right thing she could do,” she said.
“I asked her what was going on, and she explained to me that their marriage ended partly due to getting married so young and being two different people, but mostly because during one of the last arguments, my fiancé punched her in the face after having shoved her around.”
She didn’t believe what her fiancé’s ex was saying, as her fiancé has never once acted in an aggressive way towards her or another person, to the best of her knowledge.
She chose not to respond, but her fiancé’s ex sent a follow-up message asking if she would like to see a photo.
She said to send the photo, and her fiancé’s ex sent a screenshot of a photo that was saved in her camera roll. The date on the photo was circled, and it matched up with when her fiancé had said they broke up.
“Her face/jaw was clearly bruised, and she was crying,” she added. “I didn’t know what to say or think, so I just apologized for some reason. I said I’m sorry I just can’t do this right now. She said it’s okay she just hopes I use info accordingly.”
“I have no idea what to do. I asked my fiancé about it right after, and he was very angry. He said she was lying, the pic was edited, and that he would never do something like that.”
Her fiancé presented her with proof that the divorce happened due to irreconcilable differences. He stated that if he had done what his ex said, he would not have been able to keep that hidden. He then urged her to think in a logical way.
“I ended up just telling him I believed him, and I believe that she is lying,” she continued. “He was so relieved and told me so many times he would never do something like that.”
“I want to believe him so bad. But IDK what to think. What do I even do? What do I even believe? If he really did do this, why does she keep in contact? But what does she gain from lying?”
She’s left feeling lost and not sure who she should believe: the love of her life or his ex-wife. What advice do you have for her?
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