
He Bought His Girlfriend A Gym Membership So She’d Stop Working Out At Her Coworker’s Home Gym, Who He Recently Found Out Is A Guy, But She Called Him Controlling

“I thought she would be happy and that this was a no-lose solution,” he said, “But she got really upset.”

Apparently, his girlfriend said she knew that he only bought her the membership because he was jealous and acting controlling. So, she said she wasn’t going to use the membership!

“I admit her spending so much time at his house does make me a bit uncomfortable, but my intention wasn’t to be controlling when I bought her this gift,” he vented.

Nonetheless, he can’t help but wonder if buying the gym membership to get his girlfriend to stop working out at his male coworker’s house was misguided or not.

Would you also be uncomfortable in his shoes? Was buying his girlfriend a gym membership a good idea, or is he actually acting controlling? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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