
He Changed His Mind About Having Children Because He Wants To Travel More, But His Girlfriend Thinks He Just Strung Her Along Throughout Their Relationship

This pushed his girlfriend to ask what that meant for his relationship now.

“And I said that, obviously, I’d love to do everything together, but I know she wants children, so it might mean it is the end for us,” he revealed.

Well, his girlfriend didn’t react well and just accused him of stringing her along and lying to her from the beginning of their relationship about wanting kids.

She even claimed that he was trying to “pressure” her to stay in their relationship and give up on her dream of having children, which he swore wasn’t true.

“She just kept repeating that I have been stringing her along and expecting her to give up on wanting children,” he vented.

So now, he’s feeling lost in his relationship and isn’t sure if changing his mind about wanting kids really does make him a jerk.

Do you think he strung his girlfriend along, or is he entitled to change his mind? Is their relationship over?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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