
He Left His Girlfriend At The Airport After He Caught Her Texting Another Guy And Wouldn’t Show Him The Messages

Then, he asked her how she had met this man, and she admitted that she had met him on a dating app.

“At this point, I said, ‘If you are just friends, show me [your] messages; otherwise, everything you have said about this is a lie,'” he recalled.

“She didn’t and stonewalled. I mentioned that I’d like to end the relationship once we got back to our home country.”

At this point, they still had the New York leg of their trip to go on, but there wasn’t any chance they could enjoy a vacation together, so he decided to part ways with her at the LAX airport.

Was he wrong to leave his girlfriend in the middle of the airport, or would you have done the same?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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