
Her Best Friend Unexpectedly Had A Baby, So She No Longer Wants To Go On Vacation With Her Since She’s Child-Free

“They mention how easy it is to travel with the baby and their dog, and they insist we can still do fun stuff like swimming and the beach,” she said.

“But the thing is, I don’t want to be stuck hearing a baby scream and cry every night. It’s fine going over to their house to visit, but we can leave when we get too tired of it. And I don’t want to be beholden to the needs of their child. They chose to have a kid, we didn’t.”

Her best friend insists that she and her boyfriend would be amazing parents, and she wishes her child could have a playmate.

This irritates her the most, as she thinks her best friend is being super rude for imposing that on her.

Honestly, she no longer wants to spend time around her best friend or her best friend’s husband since they both don’t respect her choice to never have children.

“I don’t want to push them away, and I love how happy they are, but it’s too much,” she continued.

“We are both afraid we will say something that will insult or offend them or make them think we don’t want to be around them because of their child.”

“It’s not the baby that’s the problem, I actually like snuggling and playing with the kid; it’s their insistence that we are in this together and that nothing has changed that is the problem.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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