
Her Mom Started Screaming At Her For Keeping Her Dad’s Affair A Secret

She’s 17 now and came close to telling her mom about what she saw a month ago but ended up having a panic attack.

However, three days ago, her mom uncovered her dad’s secret on her own after looking through his phone. Now, her mom is considering divorcing her dad.

“My mother talked to me about it, and I told her that I already knew about it,” she recalled.

“She started screaming at me, throwing things at me, and calling me horrible names. She left to stay with her sister, and I’m home alone with my dad.”

While she understands her mom’s anger, she wishes she’d be more empathetic of the horrible position reading those texts put her in.

Was she wrong not to tell her mom about the affair earlier?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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