He’s Too Humiliated For His Parents To Go To His Girlfriend’s House For Dinner Since Her Home Is Filthy

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Pixel-Shot - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

For three years, this 23-year-old guy and his 22-year-old girlfriend have been dating long-distance. He is thrilled to be with his girlfriend, and they do an excellent job communicating with one another.

They’re wonderful together and able to discuss their shared future with confidence, love, and a dose of reality.

He lives on his own and has a full-time job, and his girlfriend lives at home with her parents while she’s completing college.

He’s super close with his parents, and they support him being with his girlfriend. That being said, his parents have never met his girlfriend’s parents in person, and he would like to change that.

Since he and his girlfriend are long-distance in their romance, the simplest way for their parents to get to meet would be to invite his parents over to his girlfriend’s home for dinner.

“But, I am really embarrassed to have them over to my girlfriend’s house,” he explained. “I very recently visited and stayed with my girlfriend and her folks for a week in their home. It is filthy.”

“Not messy as in items are strewn about or water bottles and pizza boxes litter rooms. Filthy as in everything is coated in a thick layer of dirt, cleaning glasses and dishes amounts to scrubbing them gently for 5 seconds with an old grey sponge, and when the dog pees inside, it’s cleaned with a mop that is then put back into a bucket and put outside.”

“At the end of my week’s stay with them, I felt more gross than when I first got there because stepping out of the shower instantly coats your feet in hair and dirt. There are more examples than this, but I think the point is made.”

Sadly, his girlfriend thinks the filth coating her home is normal. One evening, he and his girlfriend made dinner for her family, and he said he would clean the kitchen as a thank-you for allowing him to stay over.

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He then stated he was happy to clean up the guest room he was sleeping in, but his girlfriend surprised him with her reply.

His girlfriend insisted cleaning would be too hard since you can’t use a vacuum on the tile floors before saying what appears to be dirt across the floors of her home are merely stains.

He’s left wondering how on earth he can address the disgusting state of his girlfriend’s home with her.

“I care about her deeply (obviously), and we communicate often about difficult topics, but this one just seems so offensive if I bring it up,” he said.

“It insults her and her family. I am embarrassed for my family to be there, and to be honest, I don’t really want to stay there again either.”

I’m also afraid this could trickle into our eventual life together, so I’d like to broach the topic sooner rather than later.”

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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