“I was shocked. I understand that he is in a difficult situation, but I cannot ask for money from my friends,” he reasoned.
“Anyway, none of my friends have that kind of money.”
The only way he’d be personally able to give his neighbor the money would be if he sold off some of his retirement investments – something he knows his wife will never agree to.
That’s why he turned down his neighbor, said no to crowdfunding for him, and claimed that none of his friends had any extra money to give.
“I think he should ask his friends and family for money. Or look for help from an NGO,” he vented.
Still, he can’t help but wonder if refusing to help his neighbor out financially anymore was really a jerky move.
Do you think this situation sounds fishy? Either way, should he be expected to shell out that much money or ask his friends to help someone he barely knows? What would you do?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.