When she finally confronted her dad, she showed him all her evidence so he couldn’t deny it.
She demanded an explanation, and her dad was furious. He tried justifying his actions, telling her he felt neglected and unappreciated in his marriage to Laura, but she wasn’t having it.
She told her dad about his affair, or she would.
Her dad begged her not to and promised to end the affair and work on his marriage. She gave him one week to do so, and unfortunately, nothing changed, so she decided to tell Laura everything she knew.
I sat down and showed Laura everything. She was devastated but thanked me for telling her the truth. The fallout was intense as Laura confronted. My dad and their marriage is now in shambles.
Laura and her dad are currently separated and will likely get divorced. Since she told Laura, her dad has been furious with her and blames her for the destruction of his marriage.
While some family members are taking her dad’s side, saying she should’ve stayed out of everything, she feels Laura deserved to know the truth.
Was she wrong to tell about her dad’s affair?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.