
She Discovered Her Dad Had A Secret Life With A Young Mistress And Son, So She Exposed His Affair And Cut Him Off

Because of the evidence, her dad could no longer deny what he had done and revealed that he had been having an affair for the last six years and that the young boy in the photos was his son.

Linda was devastated and quickly kicked him out of the house. Emma was extremely angry and refused to speak to him after that.

Since that weekend, her dad has been staying with his girlfriend and son while she, Linda, and Emma have ignored his calls and messages.

“Our family is in chaos as Linda is considering a divorce, and Emma is struggling with the betrayal,” she explained.

“I’ve cut off all contact with my dad [and] my grandparents and other relatives are pressuring me to forgive him, saying he is still my father and that people make mistakes.”

Now, she’s in a difficult position as she wants to have a positive relationship with her dad, but she can’t get over the fact that he lied to her and the rest of their family for years, and she doesn’t want to forgive him too easily.

What would you do if you were in her position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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