
She Refused To Cut A Little Girl’s Hair For Her Stepmother Because She Knew The Girl’s Biological Mother Wanted To Let Her Daughter’s Hair Grow Out

However, the girl’s stepmother simply would not back down and kept demanding that she give the child a haircut anyway.

“And after minutes of back-and-forth arguing, the stepmother got a call from the dad, and there was a yelling match,” she revealed.

Yet, in the end, the stepmother wound up taking the little girl and leaving the hair salon – without getting a haircut.

But while her friend thought she did the right thing at the time, she’s since been left wondering if telling the stepmother “no” and calling the girl’s biological mom for confirmation was actually the wrong move.

Do you think she overstepped by calling the girl’s biological mom, or did she do the right thing? Should children get forced into haircuts if they don’t want them?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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