
She Told Her Husband That He Failed Her And Their Baby After He Randomly Quit His Job And Put Their Finances In Jeopardy

“Come the first, all of the bill money will be coming out of our savings [and] He told me, ‘Maybe you need to start looking for a job,'” she recalled.

“I [didn’t] say anything because I knew I was going to explode. His mom came here [the next] morning, and he ran it by her without even getting my approval.”

His mom said she couldn’t watch their baby, but she suddenly said she could enroll their baby in a daycare she knew of. That’s when she snapped and said no, she would not be putting her baby in daycare, nor would she allow her mother-in-law to watch the baby while she went back to work.

She said her husband would have to figure things out himself since he’s the one who wanted to suddenly switch things up when they had a set plan.

“My mother-in-law then tells me that it’s ‘not fair’ that I won’t come up with solutions to help her son, who is ‘clearly’ struggling [and] I snapped,” she said.

“I tell her that it is not my job to come up with solutions for a man who failed me and our child.”

She then packed up a bag and has been staying at her mom’s house with their baby ever since.

What would you do if you were in her position in order to keep peace within your household?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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