
He Doesn’t Want To Reconnect With His Daughter From His Previous Marriage After She Chose His Ex-Wife’s Affair Partner Over Him

annanahabed - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sometimes, an estranged relationship has fallen apart so much to the point that reconnecting can feel almost impossible.

A man is unsure what to do after his daughter, who cut him off when she turned 18, expressed interest in getting to know him again.

He’s 47 and used to be married to his high school sweetheart. They got married when they were 22 and quickly had a baby girl.

Sadly, their marriage came to an end after 16 years when he found out his wife was having a serious affair. To make matters worse, his daughter chose not to tell him. He forgave his daughter but quickly filed for divorce from his wife.

Unlike most children, who usually rebel against their unfaithful parent, his daughter ended up rebelling against him. It was very confusing for him; he believes his relationship likely ended because he worked too much.

“My daughter started [being] emotionally abusive towards me, saying how much better my wife’s affair partner is, she’s happy that I am alone now, etc.,” he explained.

“My ex moved in with her affair partner, [and] my daughter did too because she was old enough to choose where she wants to live, [so] I paid child support.”

His relationship only got worse from there, and she eventually told him that when she turned 18, she was going to cut him off. He begged and pleaded with her not to, and his ex and her new partner even tried convincing his daughter to give their relationship another chance.

His daughter unfortunately stood her ground and cut him off the moment she turned 18, which was seven years ago.

annanahabed – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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