Becoming a parent can be a massive adjustment when you’re a germophobe or have issues dealing with big messes and nasty smells.
A man recently told his wife to “step it up” as a mom because she always needs help with their baby because certain tasks gross her out too much.
He and his wife welcomed their first child, a baby girl, six months ago. He remembers her birth as the best day of their lives, and both of them love their daughter.
Still, he couldn’t help but notice that his wife’s behavior toward their baby was different from that of a typical mom.
When they first brought their daughter home, his wife’s sister eventually started showing up at their house to help out daily. His wife assured him it was simply because she needed help, but her sister pulled him aside and said otherwise.
“She told me that my wife was having a hard time being around the baby, especially when she needed a diaper change, was throwing up, and all the other little messy things babies do,” he recalled.
“I brushed it off as something that she would get over.”
Little did he know, the issue would only get worse.
He could hear his wife begin to gag and panic anytime she was responsible for changing their baby’s diaper or dealing with some other kind of baby-related mess. Then, he became upset when his wife, three months into maternity leave, announced she wanted to return to work a month earlier.
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