
He Won’t Loan His Sister Any Money For Her Wedding Because She Missed His Own Nuptials To Attend A Work Event

sebastiancaptures - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Ever since this 30-year-old man was young, he and his younger sister – who is now 27 – have had a pretty “complicated” relationship.

“We love each other, but there’s always been some rivalry and tension,” he said.

So, when he tied the knot about one year ago, his sister actually didn’t even show up at his wedding. Yes, he extended an invitation, but she turned it down and claimed she had a work event that she really could not miss.

This obviously left him feeling hurt, even though he tried to understand where his sister was coming from.

“It was a big deal to me, and I really wanted her there, but I didn’t push it,” he recalled.

Now, more recently, his sister also got engaged and will be getting married in a few months. The real kicker? She asked him to give her a hefty loan to cover some unexpected wedding expenses that popped up during the planning process.

Apparently, his sister and her fiancé were short on money and really needed some urgent help.

However, while he is in a stable financial position and can afford to lend her the money, he doesn’t really want to. He was also honest with his sister about that, telling her that he was hesitant to help her out since she didn’t even attend his own nuptials.

Well, rather than understanding that, she just became super upset and accused him of being both petty and holding a grudge.

sebastiancaptures – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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