
He Won’t Loan His Sister Any Money For Her Wedding Because She Missed His Own Nuptials To Attend A Work Event

“She argued that her situation was different and that family should help each other out when in need,” he explained.

Still, despite wanting to help his sister, he also can’t get over how she wasn’t there to support him when he needed her the most.

Thankfully, his wife agrees with his perspective and believes his sister needs to learn that her actions will have consequences.

“But some of my friends think I should just let it go and help her out,” he vented.

So now, he’s not sure if refusing to loan his sister money for her wedding is justified or if he really is being too harsh.

How would you feel if your sibling missed your own wedding and then asked you to loan them money for theirs? Is he being petty, or has his sister shown him her true colors already? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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