When your significant other does something that leaves you feeling less than or inferior, and they don’t stop after you express yourself, it’s hard to figure out how to move forward.
To be fair, it might leave you questioning if you should keep seeing that person or end things then and there.
This 24-year-old girl has a boyfriend who is 26, and he’s developed a routine that makes her feel super insecure.
Her boyfriend constantly sends photos to his married friend of girls with flawless bodies, and his friend reciprocates.
These girls in the pictures are completely perfect, with flat stomachs, toned muscles, and huge chests.
She and her boyfriend have an open phone policy, so she does look at his phone and witnesses all the photos.
It’s like a slap in the face to her and sends the subtle message that he values certain characteristics that she doesn’t have.
“It hurts me and feels disrespectful,” she explained. “I know he loves me, and his friend loves his wife too, so I don’t think either of them would ever cheat.”
“Still, seeing these pictures makes me uncomfortable and insecure. I’ve told him that while I understand he loves me, I don’t like this “habit.”
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