
Her Boyfriend Removed All The Doors In Their House And Said It Would Help Them Connect More Deeply, But The Lack Of Privacy Just Makes Her Uncomfortable

Syda Productions - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

You know how, in certain ‘coming of age’ movies or television shows, a parent will remove their unruly teen’s bedroom door as a form of punishment? Have you ever heard of anyone’s partner doing that?

A woman is stressed because her boyfriend decided to remove every single door in their home to get them to connect more.

She’s 28, and her boyfriend is 30-years-old. They’ve spent the last year living together, and things were going well for the most part, but recently, he made an executive decision about their house on his own, which is really bothering her.

“My boyfriend started talking about how he felt like doors in the house were ‘unnatural’ and ‘created barriers between us,’ and I believed it was just a passing thought, so I didn’t take it seriously,” she explained.

“However, when I came home from work last week, I found that he had removed all the doors in the house, including the bedroom, bathroom, and even closet doors.”

She was shocked upon seeing all of her doors gone, but her boyfriend was excited, telling her they’d be able to bond more without them and that privacy was just a “social construct” they could eliminate from their household.

On the other hand, she deeply values her privacy and alone time. She loves spending time with her partner but, like most people, believes she needs a handful of moments a day to be solo.

There’s also the matter of needing protection and seclusion to accomplish certain tasks, such as getting changed for the day and going to the bathroom. When she tried explaining all this to her boyfriend, he accused her of being close-minded and told her social norms were “dictating” her behavior.

“I’ve been trying to get used to it, but it honestly makes me really uncomfortable,” she admitted.

Syda Productions – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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