
Her Fiancé Calls Her His Wife But Refuses To Make It Official, So She Wants To Leave Him

sepy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Many people find themselves in relationships where they get engaged, and then they’re stuck in that stage for a long time before actually getting married.

A woman is considering leaving her fiancé, who she’s been with for over a decade, because he won’t make things official and set a date for their wedding.

She’s 41 and has been with her 64-year-old fiancé for 11 years. They’ve been engaged for a year and a half, and recently, she’s been wondering when and if her fiancé will ever be ready to tie the knot.

Her fiancé owns a trucking business, which he started with his ex-partner. The business was in its early stages when she met him, and his partner left not long after they met. She quickly jumped in to help save the business, organizing routes and training staff.

Over time, she and her fiancé fell in love, and she became a crucial member of his organization. It’s been around seven years since she became an official part of his business and she put in a lot of time and effort to make him successful.

Now, she thinks her fiancé should return the favor and put more time and effort into their relationship.

“He got burned in his last divorce, and it took him years to recover, so even though I am his partner now day in and day out and have shown him this, he’s worried that it will all happen again,” she said.

“So, should I stay, or should I go?”

She’s getting increasingly worried that her fiancé will never budge and finally marry her, as he’s reaching retirement age and she isn’t.

sepy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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