
Her Husband Lied And Told His Coworkers That Her Pregnant Sister Is Really His Wife

Rido - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Five years ago, this 30-year-old woman married her 32-year-old husband. They met when they were in college, and they’ve been with one another for seven years in total.

Her husband is the first man she ever met who made her feel like she could be comfortable in her own skin.

She’s quite tomboyish, with an athletic build, and she likes to wear jeans instead of anything girly. Her husband made her believe he loved her for who she was and didn’t want to change her into something she wasn’t.

And honestly, her gorgeous younger sister Rosalie made her feel insecure all along, because her mom favored her. To this day, she hasn’t been able to move past those deep-seated insecurities.

Two months ago, Rosalie found out that she was pregnant, and her boyfriend left her after she told him the news.

Rosalie was crushed, and she let Rosalie move in with her and her husband. Everything has been going well, and her husband hasn’t been acting like anything is off.

Around one month ago, she was having a hairy day, so she asked Rosalie to drop something off at her husband’s office for her.

When Rosalie arrived at the office, all of her husband’s coworkers figured Rosalie was his wife.

“They congratulated him on his “beautiful wife” and their “soon-to-be son,” and instead of correcting them, he just went along with it,” she explained.

Rido – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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