
Her Husband Put In Zero Effort When Her Family Visited Last Spring, So She’s Refusing To Be A Good Host Now That Her In-Laws Are Coming And Basically Said Her Husband Was On His Own

Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old woman is currently married, and right now, she and her 36-year-old husband live far away from their families in a different country. So, they only get to visit their relatives once a year.

However, they recently just purchased a house of their own, and, given their newfound space, they decided it was time their families visited them instead.

Her family made the trek first and stayed at their home last spring. But, to her disappointment, her husband wasn’t very present during their visit.

For instance, every single morning, she woke up at the crack of dawn to cook breakfast for everybody. Meanwhile, her husband slept in until noon every day.

“And I took time off work to take them to the city and do touristy stuff; my husband went to work every day after waking up late and returned home close to midnight,” she recalled.

To be clear, her husband didn’t have to work those hours, either. Rather, he actually has an extremely flexible work schedule and could have chosen what days and hours he wanted to work.

“But he decided his time was better spent in the office than with my family,” she said.

Now, that was months ago, and in just one week, her husband’s family will now be visiting their new house. Yet, given how her husband treated her own family in the spring, she’s not inclined to put in any effort for her in-laws.

“I told my husband he can expect the same amount of effort and respect that he put into my family’s visit: zero,” she revealed.

Iona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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