
Her Husband’s Coworkers Think She’s His Sister, As That’s What He’s Been Telling Them

Tatyana Kalmatsuy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Six years ago, this 28-year-old woman started dating her 29-year-old husband, Josh, and four years ago, they walked down the aisle together.

They are both even-keeled, and they communicate in an incredibly successful way. She can honestly say she loves Josh with all of her heart.

Three years ago, Josh started a new job at a huge accounting firm, and he adores his work. He’s become quite friendly with many of his coworkers and frequently goes out with them.

She’s more introverted than Josh is, so she has never tagged along, or been invited come to think of it.

She has her own little group of people she’s close to, and she’s cool with her and Josh not having overlap there.

A couple of months back, she went out with her friends one Friday to grab drinks, and a guy walked up to her.

He blurted out her name, and she looked at him, puzzled, as she couldn’t remember where she knew him from.

He simply said that his name was Jake and that he was Josh’s coworker. Jake kept trying to chat with her, and she couldn’t figure out how to exit the conversation.

As he was going on and on, he mentioned to her that he thought it was wonderful she’s so close to Josh, as he hasn’t spoken to his own brother in forever.

Tatyana Kalmatsuy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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