
Her Parents Are Livid With Her For Attending A Different College Than Her Stepsister Behind Their Backs

Her parents tried putting everyone in family therapy, but it only lasted four months because they didn’t like the way the therapist suggested her stepsister “branch out.”

Over the last two years, her parents have been demanding that when she graduates from high school, she needs to go to the same college as her stepsister, and they must live and travel together. She dreaded that idea and, therefore, decided to devise a plan to ensure she got to do her own thing.

“I made plans behind their back with my grandpa, and against their wishes, I moved out in June and moved in with him for the summer,” she explained.

“I’ll be starting community college in his town when school starts back up.”

After her dad and stepmom found out about her move, they were livid. She told them they didn’t leave her a choice, which led her to do something more drastic.

Do you think she should’ve told her parents or stepsister about moving away beforehand, or was it a good idea to sneak out?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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