
He’s Not Going To His Sister’s Wedding Because She’s Marrying A Virtual Boyfriend Avatar From A Gaming App, Not Even A Real Person

fotofabrika - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Now that artificial intelligence (AI) is widely accessible to the general public, this tech is invading everything from corporate operations and social media functions to even romantic relationships.

One 28-year-old man is at the center of this massive shift since his 30-year-old sister Jessica is actually about to get married to a “virtual boyfriend,” and he’s completely outraged over it.

According to him, Jessica “met” this avatar on a gaming app, so in a couple of weeks, she plans to get married to this virtual guy.

“She’s honestly going through with a wedding to an animated avatar that she controls. Apparently, he ‘understands her better than anyone ever could’ and ‘makes her feel special in ways that real people can’t,'” he revealed.

His sister became obsessed with the specific game that this avatar is from about a year ago, and he tried to be supportive of her in the beginning. But now, he thinks that Jessica has taken it way too far.

She has legitimately planned a whole wedding with a cake, decor, and invitations. Plus, Jessica has even asked him to be the Best Man for a computer-generated character.

Anyway, once he heard about the nuptials, he finally told his sister that the entire thing was ridiculous and he couldn’t support her “delusions” anymore.

“I offered to take her to counseling to help her face reality, but she flipped out,” he recalled.

Jessica started accusing him of being a monster for not “accepting her love.” However, he pointed out how plenty of people actually oppose her wedding.

fotofabrika – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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