
She Can’t Stop Crying After Her Boyfriend Canceled His Plans To Propose To Her

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Throughout the years, this 32-year-old woman and her 34-year-old boyfriend have had a tumultuous relationship.

They dated for two and a half years, then broke up, then got back together two years ago. She has an 11-year-old daughter from a previous relationship, and her boyfriend has stepped into the role of being a father figure to her.

She has to say that her boyfriend is a wonderful partner to her overall, and he always makes her feel appreciated and loved. They have been talking about getting married sometime soon.

That being said, they do have some problems surrounding control and insecurity.

Now, in two weeks, they’re taking a vacation to Europe, and they’re staying in a gorgeous, romantic city located right on the water. Since she’s from Europe, this trip holds a lot of meaning for her.

This weekend, her boyfriend was in a bad mood after a long week at work. He did say sorry for copping an attitude with her, and she was sympathetic. After all, he has been working crazy hours.

Her best friend came to hang out at her place, along with her boyfriend, and they were having a great time until she made a comment about her neighbor getting a filtered water delivery.

She said it was something she might like to start buying, and her boyfriend snapped that it was super overpriced and she should trust him when he says she doesn’t need to go out and purchase filtered water.

Another comment was made, and her boyfriend insisted that he is always right. She couldn’t help but feel humiliated by her boyfriend being so arrogant in front of her best friend.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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