
She Got Called Stingy After She Wouldn’t Share Her Homemade Cookies With Her Roommate’s Friends

Karynf - - illustrative purposes only

When you live with a roommate, much of your life is a situation of give and take – literally. You have to share bills, chores, and your living space, which can be a tough adjustment for many people to navigate.

But what happens when you want one thing to yourself? Should everything be up for grabs in a co-living environment, or are boundaries necessary?

This 24-year-old woman has found herself asking the same question recently after an incident with her 25-year-old roommate named Anna.

For some context, she and Anna do get along, but it’s not like they’re super close or anything. Anna also enjoys having friends over their house often.

She, on the other hand, really loves baking and views the hobby as a way to relieve stress. So, just the other day, she spent an entire afternoon baking a big batch of her favorite homemade cookie recipe.

“And I was looking forward to enjoying these cookies over the next week,” she recalled.

But then, the same night she baked the sweet treats, her roommate invited some friends over, and she could see them eyeing her cookies – which were cooling on the counter. Afterward, Anna’s friends proceeded to ask if they could eat some.

At that point, she politely explained how the cookies were special to her since she’d baked them herself. She also offered to give them some snacks she bought at the store instead.

Nonetheless, Anna’s friends seemed pretty bummed out, and later on, Anna called her out for refusing to share any of the baked goods.

Karynf – – illustrative purposes only

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