“I let it go at the time, but yesterday, I came home from work early and caught my brother smacking Charlie with a rolled-up magazine for barking at the courier. I completely lost it,” she revealed.
She told her brother that he had no right to try to “discipline” her dog. Then, she claimed that if he wasn’t going to respect how they treated Charlie, then he needed to get out and find another place to stay.
Her brother believed she was just overreacting, and Charlie needed to learn how to not be aggressive.
She didn’t think her dog was aggressive at all, though, and her husband agreed with her – telling her brother that he needed to move out by the end of the week.
In the wake of this argument, her brother hasn’t stopped insulting her and claiming that he’s “practically homeless because of a dog.”
“My parents are also upset, saying I should’ve just talked to him instead of kicking him out,” she vented.
Now, she can’t help but wonder if making her brother move out is reasonable or the wrong decision.
How would you feel if a house guest started treating your dog like that? Did her brother deserve to get kicked out or not?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.